7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

When you look at a guy, you wonder if he is into you or not. But Some girls are either too classy or scared to approach a guy.

You may not know, but guys mostly get scared when they are supposed to approach a girl. There are many reasons for that. The most common reason for that is the lack of confidence.

Whatever the cause maybe, you end up mostly with the players and the good guys gets out of the confidence.
So, if you are one of those girls who want a decent, loving and caring guy to cuddle you fir the rest of your life, read the 7 tips and follow them to cut the awkwardness to zero.

1. Stop Being a Manipulator:

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

Why do you think that you end up having a guy that takes advantage of you always? It is because you make many guys fall for you and you end up with a jerk that makes you fall. Be simple and have some definite boundaries. That's it. You score a sixer on the first ball.

2. Be Easy-Going:

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

Don't be a self-centered, egoistic person who only thinks of herself. Understand the possibilities that you might also hurt someone with that arrogance. Just be easy going with no attitude and you will be surprised the positivity that you carry with yourself.

3. Don't Play Around with Boys:

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

Like it or not, guys hate girls who play around with guys. you should know to maintain a few boundaries. The statement may sound like an anti-feminist argument but it's not. Just maintain the value that you have and be the person that you want. Simple than it sounds.

4. The Guy Best Friend:

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

Sometimes girls complain about their boyfriend being over possessive. If he is restricting you from going out with your friend or having a lunch with your brother, dump him. But if you are with a guy who was hitting on you and now he is your guy best friend just because you love the attention, then he should dump you. Like it or not, you know that it is true.

5. Stop Lying:

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

You may find it hard to believe but girls who lie falls in the list of jerks then good guys. If you want someone to be honest with you, you have, to be honest with yourself first. If you are already, congrats. if not, start practicing. it's a hard habit to develop.

6. Be Expressive Rather than Impressive:

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

What's the difference? Simple! Don't dress like grabbing the complete attention of the moment. Simply be the way you want or like to be. It will sum up everything and you will start getting good feedback.

7. Approach him:

7 Tips for Girls to Know If a Guy Likes You or Not.

If you simply like him, go tell him. Nobody made any rule so go grab him. The best way to do that is to walk up and tell him everything. if you think that a guy is a good person, you will know that the choice that you have made is not wrong.

Stop putting yourself as a priced possession. You are one of the most beautiful creatures of creation itself.

You might actually end up being a guy that can fill your life with happy and memorable moments.


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