7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

If you are a girl, you must know what a big competition you have when it comes to looks.

Being beautiful is not really enough when it comes to looks. If you want him to notice you, you have to do it otherwise.

I am not asking you to be in a skin display show but a little change up doesn't hurt.

So, if you are planning to make a social impression in the next party or simply be the center of attraction in your class, check out this 7 tips on how to look hotter than the fire.

1. Look decent:

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

The majority of girls think that if they go short on their dress, they have an advantage. That's completely opposite actually. If you want to look hot, you have to look decent first.

The important thing is not to lose yourself and still be classy. How to do that?

Here is a tip: Try grabbing jeans and a shirt tucked in rather than a mini skirt. A lipstick and a good presentable hair. Don't go over on the make-up but keep it simple. All done! You look fabulous already.

2. Pay attention to the eyes:

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

What do you think guys check the first think about you? The answer is obviously your eyes.

Your eyes should be dreamy rather than showy.
here is my tip: Grab a pair of contact lenses (preferably hazel or blue) and a little eye liner.

Do watch out for the guys falling for you on the road.

3. Lips are a must:

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

Like it or not, lips are one of the most important parts of your dress up.

Guys may get the tag of being a pervert but a good set of lips is nothing but pure excellence.

If you have a good pair of lips, you need a lipstick to make it perfect. If you don't have that, here is a way to boost your chances.

My tip: Tru a lip liner and a good pink or red lipstick followed by a glossy, wet lip balm or lip gloss.

You may even get those barbie doll types out of the picture with that move.

4. Do a hair-do:

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

Why hairs? Because we think that a girl with a good fluffy hair looks like a cotton candy.

Seriously, I am a guy and I would love to see a girl with long and fluffy hair. Kind of reminds me of whipped cream (sorry for being all foody).

If you take my advice, try using a conditioner and never straighten up your hair. Straight hairs may look great but they kill the natural look entirely. you can color or highlight them but don't heat them up.

The last thing you want is to attract jerks rather than a decent guy who can screw you up with words only.

5. Smiling is a plus:

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

If you think that girls look better with a leather jacket and a tough biker-chick attitude, you are right.

But they look even better with a dreamy smile and elegant dress up.

Most of the girls misunderstand slutty with hot. Hot is a personality and being all open to benefits is just an indication that you are desperate.

My advice: Try brushing your teeth. Joke's apart. Try laughing and being open to anyone as a friend. they will know that you are a good and friendly person with the heart of a strong independent woman.

6. Don't be all hard to get:

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

Most of the girls I have ever seen are always playing hard to get. Let me ask you simple question.

Whom do you want to have in your life? A player who can talk your goodies out of you or a decent guy who blows up on the first date due to innocence?

Here is my advice: If you are looking for casual hookups, you can do anything. If you are looking for something that is not in the list of screwipedia, try being respectful, open and liberal. Nothing's hotter than that. Trust me, I am a guy.

7. Strong eye contact: 

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.

 The most important thing when you are playing the 'Damsel in distress' or the distressing damsel, in this case, the eye contact. If you look hot, you will find the good guy whom you can die for.

Do you know how to spot a good guy in the middle of 100 of bad guys?

There are two ways actually with two class of guys.

The first is the innocent and the rarely found. They are shy, reserved and very much good from their heart. They will treat you as a princess and will always overkill anything just to make you happy.

How to spot them with eye contact?

When you look at them right in the eyes, they will either look away or look down instantly.

The next and the most impossible to find are the alfa males. They are usually the leader of the pack and someone with a magnetic personality.

They are confident enough to look in your eyes but can't do much but give you an innocent smile thinking about what to say. If you ask something, they will stammer or simply say something rubbish.

They are mostly entrepreneurs with a high ambition and goal, life of the party and the most charming person in the area.

Chances are that you are less likely to find the second one. Even if you do, you can't find the second one like him. Try it.

If you love what you read, please share and let others have some fun as well. For all the girls who are reading this, let me know if you have a specific topic in your mind that you want me to write about.

Remember, you can think this tips to be simply elemental but you don't know till you try it. Let me know the outcomes in the comment section below.

7 hot tips for girls on how to make your looks hotter than the fire.


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